Sunday, March 04, 2007

With Apologies

Blame a friend called Maggie. She gave a challenge - "To be or not to be - Global Warming". I think she meant write about whether it was happening or not, but with a title like that, what's a girl to do?
My profound apologies to the Bard and all who love him. I really am very, very sorry.


To heed or not to heed; that is the question.
Whether it is foolish in a man to trust the threats and
Sound bites of uncertain future
Or close ears against a sea of warnings
And by ignoring, cause it.
Our cars, our planes, no more? And by a ban to say
We end the pleasure of a thousand long haul flights
That man is heir to?
‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be spurned!
But stay! The Earth could end, no chance to thrive;
Ay, there’s the rub, for in our selfish wish what
Nightmares come as we keep jetting off to pastures
New must give us pause.
It’s negligence that makes calamity of future life.
Who will bear the whips and scorns of unknown
Generation’s wrongs, the unborn’s contumely?
Their hate of ruined lands, action’s delay,
The insolence of pride that spurned
The patient merit of conservation taken,
And a quietus made of global damage?
Who will guilt accept?
But why the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered facts about which proof
No thinking man can know, puzzles the will.
So better let us do the things we wish
Than stop for others we know not of,
And conscience need not make cowards of us all.
Let enterprises of great pith and moment
Be cast awry by hedonistic pleasure,
And we can lose the thought of action.

But hark you now, the future weeps,
And by those sad orisons
Be all our sins remembered.

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