Monday, January 22, 2007


I'm one of those poor benighted people who can't sleep at night. Come 2.30 in the afternoon I could sleep the clock round, by 8 o'clock in the evening I can hardly keep my eyes open, but by the time I go to bed I'm wide awake, can't get comfortable and my mind's whirling around with all sorts of unconnected thoughts jumping out at me. The following shows what I mean.


I’m lying here and cannot sleep
I’m so fed up with counting sheep
I’ll use the time to make a rhyme
For Monday's blog - but nothing deep.

I don’t envy the Eskimo
Who has a hundred words for snow
I bear no grudge - I call it sludge
And wish the bloody stuff would go!

Now into black despair I’ve sunk,
My inspiration’s done a bunk.
What is that noise? Oh, next door’s boys
Returning from the pub dead drunk.

Bet that they’ve been on the scrumpy.
Now the pillow’s hard and lumpy!
I’m feeling hot - Oh, now I’m not.
It’s no wonder I get grumpy.

The kitchen fairy came today
And took the washing up away,
It wasn’t you - you never do.
Thank you Fairy is what I say.

The duvet’s fallen on the floor!
I cannot stand this any more.
It’s time I think to get a drink.
Look at the clock! It’s half past … zzzsnore

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At 9:26 am , Blogger pens-myth said...

glad you could commit to paper before zzzsnore! sweet dreams

At 2:09 pm , Blogger Katie said...

I have the same exact problem with sleeping. It drives me crazy!!! I'm only tired and ready for sleep at the most inopportune times. When bedtime actually roles around sleep is the last thing my body seems to want to do. At least you got a fun poem out of it! Thanks for visiting my blog, do come again.

At 2:58 pm , Blogger Joanna said...

Loved the limerick! I'm a bit of a night owl myself, not because I can't sleep but because I enjoy staying up late. I'm not a morning person at ALL and am grumpy but night time is usually creative time - I went through a phase some years ago of writing from about 9 till 2am! I can't seem to do that now, but I'm trying...

At 3:58 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what rubbish,you need to get out more,lol


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